Al-Anon members are friends and family members of people who are problem drinkers.

Al-Anon’s mission is to provide support and resources to individuals affected by a loved one's alcoholism. It offers a safe and understanding environment where people can share their experiences, gain insight into the effects of alcoholism on themselves and their families, and learn coping strategies to improve their well-being and relationships. Al-Anon aims to promote personal growth, emotional healing, and empowerment for individuals dealing with the challenges of alcoholism in their lives.

"Listen and Learn" text inside a blue circular design

Al-Anon Treasure Coast invites you to….

  • discover the essence of support and understanding within the Treasure Coast Al-Anon community. By embracing shared experiences and embodying the core principles of Al-Anon, we foster growth and healing for those impacted by a loved one's drinking.

  • uncover the strength in unity and the power of empathy as we walk this journey together. Let the wisdom of our collective stories illuminate the path to resilience and peace.

  • embrace the transformative journey of self-discovery and restoration. Your narrative merges with ours, creating a tapestry of hope and renewal that transcends the shadows of the past.

Graphic with text "Let It Begin With Me" inside a circle with blue outlines.